Mission Statement of VisionAlaska, Inc.,
Alaskan Brethren Ministries
The mission of VisionAlaska Inc., Alaskan Brethren Ministries is to bring the gospel
of Christ to Alaska and the world as the gospel is revealed in the Word of God.
To support Grace Brethren Fellowships, churches, Christian education, missions
and communities in such a way that will bring hope and encouragement to those
who serve Christ.
Church Planting.
A mission of VisionAlaska is to
promote the establishment of church fellowships
associated with the Charis Fellowship.
A mission of VisionAlaska is to facilitate Christian Conciliation
through education, counseling and Christian mediation in accordance with Matthew 18.
Legal Counseling to
Christian Organizations.
A mission of VisionAlaska is to facilitate legal counseling to Christian organizations
and churches.
of Christ to Alaska and the world as the gospel is revealed in the Word of God.
To support Grace Brethren Fellowships, churches, Christian education, missions
and communities in such a way that will bring hope and encouragement to those
who serve Christ.
Church Planting.
A mission of VisionAlaska is to
promote the establishment of church fellowships
associated with the Charis Fellowship.
A mission of VisionAlaska is to facilitate Christian Conciliation
through education, counseling and Christian mediation in accordance with Matthew 18.
Legal Counseling to
Christian Organizations.
A mission of VisionAlaska is to facilitate legal counseling to Christian organizations
and churches.